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Arrivo Vip All’aeroporto
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hotel [x].
en Península de Guanahacabibes


pacchetto Worlds Lowest Price!-Havana 3 Varadero 4.
pacchetto Worlds Lowest Price!-Havana 3 Varadero 4.
da 588.00 €/pax

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Selezioni un
servizio VIP
Aggiunga al
carrello degli acquisti
Cerchi piu servizi o
termini sue compere


A Cuba la sua pazienza sarà messa a dura prova, specialmente quando arriverà all’aeroporto. Su ripetuta richiesta di coloro che hanno viaggiato con noi in precedenza abbiamo creato un servizio che le farà risparmiare tempo senza crearle alcun problema!

VIP Arrival
39 €
VIP Gold
59 €
VIP Platinum
84 €

V.I.P Arrival:

You will be met upon disembarking the airplane and whisked directly to the V.I.P lounge where courtesy refreshments, cigars and Cuban cocktails await you.
In the meantime your luggage will be collected and customs formalities will be carried out.
Within a few minutes you will be escorted directly from the V.I.P exit to your choice of transport.

V.I.P Gold:

This includes the above plus pre-booked standard taxi directly to your accommodation.

V.I.P Platinum:

You will be met personally by one of our office’s VIP staff at the V.I.P lounge he/she will assist you and provide verbal presentation of the services you have ordered through us.
You will be provided with a 24 hour number for further assistance or advice.
You will be escorted to a waiting premium class air-conditioned Mercedes Benz, Audi Limo or other limousine style vehicle which will take you directly to your accommodation.


Altre Destinazioni
  Avana Vecchia
  da 33.00 €/notte
  da 26.00 €/notte
  hotel Santa Isabel.
  da 153.00 €/notte
  Mercedes Benz C200
  da 216.00 €/giorno
  Peugeot 206 XR
  da 56.00 €/giorno
  Baic BJ40
  da 56.00 €/giorno

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